Java New Features Training

Price: $2,507.00
Course Outline

This Java New Features training course provides hands-on experience with lambda expressions introduced in Java and many other language and library changes. Attendees will fully appreciate functional-style programming and the new idioms made possible by lambda expressions that make their code easier to read and understand. The course then explores the Streams API, which lets you write robust code that processes a collection of data in a declarative way. Attendees will fully appreciate what streams are and how they can use them in their programs to process data collections concisely and efficiently.

Java New Features Training Benefits

  • In this Java course, you will learn how to:

    • Pass code as parameters to methods using lambda expressions to make your code simpler and easier to understand.
    • The course assumes a background in Java programming with Java 7.
    • Leverage default methods to achieve evolution of interfaces while maintaining compatibility with older code.
    • Process data with Java streams.
    • Take advantage of stream parallel processing to achieve efficiency.
    • Perform asynchronous programming with CompletableFuture.
    • Read and write files using Java NIO.
  • Prerequisite

    The course assumes a background in Java programming with Java 7.

Java New Features Training Outline

Module 1: Lambda Expressions

  • Leveraging functional interfaces to pass code as data to methods
  • Contrasting lambda expressions and anonymous classes
  • Method references and constructor references
  • Invoking higher order functions

Module 2: Default Methods

  • Evolving APIs
  • Employing new usage patterns for default methods
  • Invoking higher order functions

Module 3: The Date and Time API and Other Changes

  • Formatting and parsing with the Date and Time API
  • Using Optional as a better alternative to null
  • Expanding the use of annotations

Module 4: Streams

  • Leveraging streams to process data
  • Contrasting external and internal iteration
  • Facilitating common stream operations
  • Invoking higher order functions

Module 5: Collecting Data with Streams

  • Implementing Collectors
  • Reducing and summarizing data
  • Enabling grouping and partitioning
  • Collecting data into Maps

Module 6: Concurrency

  • Executing parallel streams
  • Dividing and conquering with Spliterator
  • Comparing imperative data processing to streams
  • Implementing an asynchronous API Important
Course Dates
Attendance Method
Additional Details (optional)

Price: $2,507.00