Building Web Applications with React 16

Price: $2,295.00
Course Outline

React 16 is an open-source JavaScript library from Facebook used for building HTML5 web applications. In this training course, you learn how to develop a complete application using React 16 by building high-performance User Interfaces (UIs) with classes and JSX components and creating Redux applications, which provide complementary architectural patterns to construct client-side application functionality.

Building Web Applications with React 16 Benefits

  • Building Web Applications Course Benefits

    • Create an isomorphic web application using React
    • Compose a UI using React JavaScript and JSX components
    • Integrate React forms with Ajax and back-end REST services
    • Apply the Container/Presentational architecture to create applications
    • Integrate a variety of React extensions to create a modern application
    • Continue learning and face new challenges with after-course one-on-one instructor coaching
  • Building Web Applications Course Prerequisites

    Students should have experience developing web pages with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Building Web Applications Instructor-Led Training Outline

Module 1: Introduction and Overview

  • Features of React and Redux
  • Why the Virtual DOM makes React run fast
  • Configuring the development and build environment
  • Incorporating third-party components

Module 2: Designing Custom React Components

Displaying React content
  • Employing React.createElement() and React.DOM.render()
  • Support well-designed components by leveraging imports
  • Dynamically generating the UI
Leveraging JSX for UI design
  • Coding custom component classes
  • Generating component output with the render method
  • Composing a JSX component hierarchy
  • Extending the hierarchy with the Container/Presentational design pattern
  • Understanding the differences between JSX and HTML

Module 3: Activating React Components

Parameterizing components

  • Disambiguating component properties and state
  • Leveraging the children props to pass content dynamically
  • Inserting properties into rendered output with this.props
  • Improving maintainability and reliability with defaultProps and proptTypes
  • Centralizing logic at the container level by passing functions as props
  • Integrating stateless functional components

Manipulating component state

  • Separating component state from component behavior
  • Reading application data with this.state
  • Mutating data with this.setState()
  • Efficiently managing state to improve performance
  • Best practices for sharing state with createContext

Integrating into the component life cycle

  • Attaching and detaching logic and event handlers in componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount
  • Enhancing performance with componentShouldUpdate

Routing between components

  • Exploiting the react-router for semantic URLs
  • Mapping URL paths and parameters to components

Module 4: Developing React Forms

Manipulating form input components
  • Working with interactive properties
  • Capturing form component updates with onChange
  • Exploiting controlled components
Implementing two-way binding
  • Applying the onChange / setState() convention
  • Reducing onChange clutter for clearner code

Module 5: Centralizing State with Redux

Modeling client-side data interactivity
  • Architecting loosely-coupled applications for extensibility
  • Managing state centrally
  • Interacting with data using actions, reducers, and stores
  • Defining reducers to correctly manage updates, deletes, and inserts
Coding a Redux application
  • Best practices when implementing Redux
  • Creating a Redux data store
  • Using the React-Redux Higher-Order Components
  • Sharing state between containers and presentational components
  • Integrating multiple stores/reducers in large applications to avoid complexity
  • Reviewing alternatives: Mbox, alt, Relay, Flux, and Reflux
Connecting React to RESTful services
  • Making Ajax calls from React using thunk and promises
  • Integrating isomorphic-fetch to support client and server-side access
  • Mapping CRUD access to REST actions
  • Reviewing alternatives

Module 6: Analyzing React Applications

Developer tools
  • Inspecting React components with browser extensions
  • Identifying and debugging rendering errors
Unit testing
  • Running tests with Jest
  • Isolating code under test with Enzyme
Performance testing
  • Establishing a baseline
  • Analyzing performance with Flamegraphs
  • Optimizing component reconciliation with key

Module 7: Advanced Features

  • Optimizing runtime performance with shouldComponentUpdate
  • Extending your components with Higher Order Components
Course Dates
Attendance Method
Additional Details (optional)

Price: $2,295.00